• The Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) provides online learning proposals for its members, other IVS organisations and interested stakeholders.

    While specialising in non-formal and residencial learning, CCIVS considers quality online learning as a powerful method to reach all IVS organisations and stakeholders, to provide them with key learning and empowering experiences.



    You can visit ccivs.org for more information about who we are and what we do.

Available courses

Course image ABC of NGO Finances

Finance Management Toolkit for International Voluntary Service NGOs

This interactive toolkit is based on a specific mix of financial management backed up by project management and organisational management. It combines strategic management with day-to-day activity level in order to show that these not only are linked but if we pay attention to both, they lead us to the desired flexibility in our organisational structure. This structure will provide us with the security we all search for: which is not only a dream or promise but a realistic framework built strongly on our values we believe in.

Course image Communication and Fundraising Skills

How to Evolve! in Your Communication and Fundraising Skills

Welcome to the EVOLVE toolkit, part of the “#EVOLVE IVSolution - Training and Capacity building, the Evolution for the IVS movement” project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project seeks to enable the exchange and development of new cooperation between CCIVS members and invited guests coming from different regions of the world. In face of the declining numbers of volunteers it offers a space to build new partnerships, and to develop key competencies in the field of communication, marketing and fundraising.

Course image Advocacy for Peace and the Environment
Living Earth

Advocacy for Peace and the Environment

This is an interactive toolkit for volunteers, youth workers, individuals, young activists, leaders and educators who desire to begin advocating for peace and environmental justice. 

This course has four lessons:

  1. At a Glance (International Voluntary Service (IVS), Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS), and Advocacy for Peace and the Environment)
  2. Planning Advocacy Work 
  3. Some Stories from the Field 
  4. Checklist for Advocacy & Other Resources

Course image Earth Advocacy and Living Soils
Living Earth
This is an online course built for young people who want to engage with Earth advocacy. The course has four main elements, which surround the core advocacy tool: the Soil4Life Manifesto.

1 - Essential knowledge about living soils and soil biodiversity (Module 1)

2 - Core knowledge and skills for Earth advocacy (Modules 3 & 4)

3 - Stories from the field that show best practices (Module 5)

4 - Practical assignments for advocating for our soil (Module 6)

Course image Course Certificate - Earth Advocacy
Living Earth

We designed this assessment for those who have carefully followed all the modules in the Earth Advocacy and Living Soils course. By reaching 90%, you will earn a badge. You are allowed 3 attempts to complete the assessment. If you realize it's too challenging, just return to the modules in the course and review them.

Course image Basics of Bioconstruction
Living Earth

A Short Introduction to Eco-Technologies and Building with Earth

This e-learning course will teach you about traditional techniques in the field of environment and sustainability. By completing this course, you will understand the basic concepts of construction with earth systems and eco-technologies.

Project coordination and leadership: CCIVS

Course image Everything Gardens
Living Earth

 Beginner’s Course for Growing an Edible Ecosystem in a Sustainable Way

  •   A Short Course by Kate Curtis
  •   E-learning and Media Design by Miki Ambrózy
  •   Helping hand - Karla Franielczyk
  •   Project coordination and leadership: CCIVS

Course image STEPS OD Training

This Organisational Development Training for IVS organisations is an open online course to support organisations in their strategic development.

Going through the course will give a more systemic and systematic idea of your own organisation, will let you identify strengths and challenges and help you design strategies to have a more balanced and stronger organisation.

Contents and methods

The contents of the course are based on the STEPS methodology developed within CCIVS since 2016. The course has been run successfully in Africa, Asia, America and Europe with more than 30 organisations in the past year

Course image Inclusive Voluntary Service for Peace

International Voluntary Service For Peace - Interactive MOOC

Inclusive Voluntary Service for Peace (IVS4Peace) is an online course with 5 chapters. Each one can be studied on its own, as well as followed in order from 1 to 5. When you navigate between the different chapters, each will open in a new browser window.

Intro - Get Started with IVS4Peace

Chapter 1 - About This Course

Chapter 2 - Interactive Scenarios

Chapter 3 - Case Studies

Chapter 4 - Voices

Chapter 5 - Resources

Earn a Badge

course banner

Course image EMpowering Youth Training for Trainers
EMpowering Youth

"EMpowering Youth’’ is a project funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Union and coordinated by CCIVS. The objective of the project is to improve the management and coordination skills of youth organisations and young trainers for future EuroMed projects, also to develop innovative online tools to ensure participation and promotion of volunteering. Within the project scope, CCIVS is organising a Training for Trainers that will equip 16 young trainers with skills to coordinate EuroMed Non-formal education activities.

The Training for Trainers is composed of two phases:

1. Global Online Training Sessions Phase

addressed to young people who would like to improve their skills and knowledge in the coordination and management of intercultural groups, using non-formal education tools to promote intercultural dialogue. 

The online meetings will be interactive, will offer space to test and practice NFE education instruments, games, energisers, team building sessions and evaluation techniques. Specific sessions will deal with assertive communication, conflict management, intercultural communication. Participants will receive reading material, exercises and guidelines to further improve their skills and knowledge on the topic.

Schedule (participants will receive more information, including the starting time of the webinars, after their selection)

First meeting: Wednesday, 30 June 2021 (14:00 – 15:30 CET)

Intercultural dimension in NFE projects; Introduction on leadership styles; Decision-making process in intercultural groups; Conflict resolution techniques.

Second meeting: Wednesday, 7 July 2021 (14:00 – 15:30 CET)

Facilitation techniques to boost intercultural dialogue; Games in international groups – which, when, why and how; Creative evaluation sessions and reflection groups.

2. Local Training & Practical Phase (8 July – 25 August 2021)

After the online sessions, participants will be involved by their organisations in further actions, to be implemented during the summer; these will be opportunities to put into practice the skills and knowledge gained during the online modules, and to improve the experience in the field of non-formal education, group coordination, promotion of intercultural dialogue, youth work. 

This phase could include: 

- coordination of workcamps;

- organisation of local training for young people (pre-departure training for short- and long-term volunteers, training for workcamp leaders, training for trainers);

- seminars, promotional events, debates on non-formal education, intercultural dialogue, youth work;

- production of digital material related to the topics of the training for trainers, such us video, podcasts, interviews, promotional material, interactive online events among partners (such as video-conferences between a European and a MENA region partner to tackle intercultural issues);

- the involvement in the development of projects together with the organisation: meetings to design a project idea, activities, partnerships, application for grants etc.

-   …..

Important: at the end of the action (workcamp, training, seminar, event), participants will create a one-page report, including their activity, the learning objectives, the challenges they met, signed by the participants and by the organisation.

Course image Webinars on Project Management
EMpowering Youth

EMpowering Youth – Improving Capacity for EuroMed youth projects is a project coordinated by CCIVS and funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Union. The aim of “EMpowering Youth” is to improve the management and coordination skills of youth organisations and young trainers for future EuroMed projects, to develop also innovative online tools to ensure participation and promote volunteering.

The project includes a series of Webinars on Project Management. The first 2 webinars will deliver the basis of project management. The third webinar will deal with the practical dimension of NFE projects, such as training, seminars, workcamps. The fourth webinar will focus on impact measurement, monitoring, and evaluation.

Course image Online Training Course to Improve Skills & Knowledge on the field of Volunteering In Conflict Areas
Raising Peace

The Raising Peace Campaign aims at strengthening and improving the visibility of the role of the International Voluntary Service movement in the construction of Peace and Human Rights, through raising awareness, training activists and making advocacy and networking. In the framework of the Campaign, CCIVS proposes an online Training Course focused on volunteering in conflict areas, featuring the following innovative elements:

- the presence of 2 experts from the Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR) of the University of Coventry and the University of Leicester;

- the presence of a graphic harvester, who will accompany the group during a day of the course to provide graphic facilitation and production;

- interactive and creative non-formal education methods, proposed by 2 experienced trainers from the International Voluntary Service (IVS) movement, who will present contents focused on the history of the IVS movement and the impact of IVS workcamps and projects in peace-building, in the past and now;

- an online platform accessible to the participants, which will contain additional contents, reading material, homework and learning resources.

The VICA course aims at strengthen organisations' and participants’ commitment and capacity in the field of volunteering in conflict areas.

Its specific objectives are:

  1. to provide definitions and clarifications on key concepts: conflicts, reconciliation, international cooperation, volunteering in conflict areas;
  2. to develop skills, competences, and personal qualities needed to provide an active contribution in IVS peace projects, especially those implemented in conflict areas;
  3. to raise participants awareness and sensitivity on specific dynamics: conflict resolution, intercultural communication, volunteers’ expectations, gender and environmental issues, code of conduct and role of volunteers in conflict areas;
  4. to provide inputs.